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Showing posts from February, 2022

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's 6 minute Ted Talk

  Welcome Back, Peeps! Today I will be informing you guys of what I have learned from this video. People in our world need to be science literate, even if they are not scientists. It is good to know what is going on around you and if people do not at least familiarize themselves with some science knowledge, it can be a problem. Some people just lack the science literacy that is needed from everyone and it is not okay. Asking questions about something you are purchasing is very important, but if the person selling you that item does not have any evidence or answers to your questions, how is that helpful to you? Familiarizing yourself with science knowledge will go a long way and will be so helpful to all in the world.  That is it for today, catch you guys next time!

EXPLAIN (Ecosystem Change)

  The standard that I decided to study was 3-LS4-3 Habitats and Organism Survival. Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all (cause and effect). Science and engineering practices are how students should learn. Specifically to this standard engagement in argument from evidence is the scientific practice. Disciplinary core ideas are what students should learn. Specifically to this standard they are learning about adaptation.  Crosscutting concepts are how students should think. Specifically to this standard they are incorporating cause and effect.    

EXPLORE (Why is it important to teach with NGSS?)

Today I will be talking about why it is important to teach with NGSS! After reading the article, "What is the NGSS Three Dimensional Learning Approach?" I was able to get a better understanding of the NGSS Three Dimensional Learning Approach. As stated in the article, "the term "NGSS three dimensional learning" refers to the three pillars that support each standard, now called the NGSS performance  expectations."  Science and Engineering Practices are defined as "the same skills that scientists use to answer questions and engineers use to solve problems in the real world."  Three examples of science and engineering practices are... 1. Developing and using models 2. Engaging in argument from evidence  3. Analyzing and interpreting data  Crosscutting Concepts are defined as "those concepts that apply across all scientific disciplines."  Three examples of crosscutting concepts are... 1. Cause and effect 2. Energy and matter  3. Structure a...