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EXPLORE (Why is it important to teach with NGSS?)

Today I will be talking about why it is important to teach with NGSS!
After reading the article, "What is the NGSS Three Dimensional Learning Approach?" I
was able to get a better understanding of the NGSS Three Dimensional Learning
Approach. As stated in the article, "the term "NGSS three dimensional learning" refers
to the three pillars that support each standard, now called the NGSS performance 

Science and Engineering Practices are defined as "the same skills that scientists use
to answer questions and engineers use to solve problems in the real world." 
Three examples of science and engineering practices are...
1. Developing and using models
2. Engaging in argument from evidence 
3. Analyzing and interpreting data 

Crosscutting Concepts are defined as "those concepts that apply across all scientific
Three examples of crosscutting concepts are...
1. Cause and effect
2. Energy and matter 
3. Structure and function 

Disciplinary Core Ideas are defined as "ideas that form the basis of what most
educators would consider STEM content knowledge."
Three examples of disciplinary core ideas are...
1. Physical sciences
2. Life sciences
3. Earth sciences 

Vigeant, F. (2021, September 23). What is the NGSS Three Dimensional Learning Approach? Retrieved February 15, 2022, from 

After watching this video, I was able to come up with a few points as to why it is important to teach with NGSS. It is stressed in the video that each standard is broken up into three parts, Disciplinary core ideas which is what students should learn, Science and engineering practices which is how students should learn, and crosscutting concepts which are how students should think. He provided an example with one of the lessons he taught and wanted to include inquiry in his lesson by having the students ask questions and create models which are important when looking at the NGSS three dimensional learning approach.
       He stressed that assessments are key prior to jumping in lessons to keep children on the right track and help them understand the material.
