Explore the course text with me, specifically chapters 1-3. Read on to learn more about science methods! Chapter 1: Inquiry: The Path; Discovery: The Destination Learning Objectives: 1.1 Develop a working definition of science. 1.2 Describe how research about learning science informs science teaching. 1.3 Describe the purpose and three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards. At the beginning of the chapter, the meaning of science is emphasized as a complex definition. We were introduced to what Science is exactly. Even among scientists, deciding on a specific definition of science is difficult. A scientist named Carl Sagan once said "Science is more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking; a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility." It is important to remember that science is complex. It is a quest for knowledge that is pursued in a systematic manner. Anyone with access to the Inter...