Explore the course text with me, specifically chapters 1-3. Read on to learn more about science methods!
Chapter 1: Inquiry: The Path; Discovery: The Destination
Learning Objectives:
1.1 Develop a working definition of science.
1.2 Describe how research about learning science informs science teaching.
1.3 Describe the purpose and three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards.
At the beginning of the chapter, the meaning of science is emphasized as a complex definition. We were introduced to what Science is exactly. Even among scientists, deciding on a specific definition of science is difficult. A scientist named Carl Sagan once said "Science is more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking; a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility." It is important to remember that science is complex. It is a quest for knowledge that is pursued in a systematic manner. Anyone with access to the Internet can discover information. The process of producing explanations based on facts and reasoning is what science is all about.
What is Scientific Thinking?
A mental model is a description of someone's thought process when it comes to understanding how something works. As teachers, we must educate our students on the cognitive abilities they will need to develop mental models, as well as cultivate a thinking culture in which these cognitive skills will become second nature. Mental habits take years to acquire; they cannot be covered in a single class. Good, scientific thinking habits must become a conscious element of the learning culture; children must be made aware of their thinking techniques while thinking scientifically. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have identified eight science practices. These standards were created by a group of scientists and educators to establish what children in grades K through 12 should know and should be able to do in terms of science at the end of each grade.
1. Asking questions
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
By identifying learning goals and tracking their progress towards them, a "metacognitive" approach to instruction can assist students to learn to take charge of their own learning. According to the text, "metacognition is a term that will not be familiar to our students, but one that we need to think about and allow to inform our teaching." In the classroom, we can encourage student metacognition by providing chances for students to consider learning strategies.
Chapter 2: Science Practices and Inquiry Process Skills
Learning Objectives:
2.1 Create a vision for discovery learning in your classroom
2.2 Describe science practices and inquiry skills as they relate to learning science
What is Inquiry?
According to the text, "Inquiry is the careful and systematic method of asking questions and seeking explanations." Students start to investigate and utilize science techniques, concepts, and abilities to seek explanations and make better sense of their worlds when they are actively participating in the processes of inquiry.Learning content Through Inquiry and Learning to Inquire
Students develop knowledge through the steps of asking questions, seeking evidence, justifying their explanations, and formulating explanations based on their data when learning content through inquiry. Learning to inquire entails learners becoming aware of intentionally applying the processes connected with inquiry, and the two are often taught together.
There are 4 types of questions that teachers should be encouraging students to ask.
1. Information-seeking questions
2. Wonderment questions
3. "How does it work?" questions
4. How-to-solve-a-problem questions
They emphasized that these are the easiest ways to split up questions when teaching at an elementary level.
Inquiry Process Skills Used to Create Descriptive Models
- Observing
- Using space/time relationships
- Using numbers
- Questioning
- Classifying
- Measuring
- Communicating
Inquiry Process Skills Used to Create Explanations
Inferring is defined as using logic to make assumptions from data collected.
A hypothesis is defined as a proposed relationship put forth to explain a phenomenon. A prediction is defined as an educated guess.
Inquiry Process Skills Used to Create an Experimental Model
- Predicting
-Identifying Variables
- Dependent
- Controlled
- Designing experimental controls
Chapter 3: Planning Units and Lessons
Learning Objectives:
3.1 Distinguish among curriculum, unit, and lesson planning
3.2 Use NGSS bundles and Understanding by Design-> to guide unit planning
3.3 Design inquiry-based science lessons based on the 5Es Learning Cycle and Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol.
Guidelines for Planning Your Curriculum
1. Make lessons relevant and meaningful for your students. You need to know how your students are getting the point of the main principles you're trying to teach while you're arranging your lessons.
2. Make lessons rigorous. Students are challenged to think about how to make sense of major ideas in precise and newer ways when given hard lessons.
3. Make lessons coherent by creating lessons that follow a logical progression. Students are able to understand the ideas and are able to build up from each lesson because each one should coincide with one another.
4. Communicate with your students, giving and receiving feedback is key.
5. Reflections and practices are key elements of learning. Understanding and making sense of an idea or notion is enhanced by thinking and reasoning.
6. Students must practice and reason with ideas in a variety of situations.
Outcomes of Unit Planning consist of four components.
1. Establishing goals
2. Understandings
3. Essential questions
4. Targeted knowledge and skills
Developing a Good Lesson Plan: Six Essential Elements
1. Content to be Taught: Identify What You Want Students to Learn
2. Identify Students' Prior Knowledge
3. Performance Objectives
4. Concept Development
5. Evaluation (Assessment)
6. Accommodations
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